Going back to Fuji is maybe somewhat of an incorrect description, it’s more like going back with an upgrade. And to be fair a lot has happened since my last Fuji-adventures in 2014.
In 2014 I made the jump from Canon 5d mkII into the Fujifilm realm with a Fujifilm XT-1. I remember the feeling of being in control when everything had buttons and dials and the joy of using the Fuji along with it’s gorgeous retro design. However the output soon came to be a disappointment and I’ve always seemed to feel the colors was a bit over the top along with an overly sharpened feeling.
So in 2016 I switched system again into the full frame work of Sony Alpha. I started with a A7II, went on to the A7RII and finally the magnificent Sony A7rIII. To be honest I’ve got little to complain about regarding the Sony system, it’s compact, produces awesome quality and has a great set of lenses. Keeping it honest Sony could improve the menus and color handling but other then that everything was perfect with my current setup.
So why did I make a switch again? Well other then having a permanent diagnosis of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) I’ve always had a craving for medium format but never been able to make the jump (other then selling a kidney on the black market).
Then along came Fujifilm with their GFX System! Yeah I know it’s not quite medium format but maybe that’s not a bad thing at all (see why in the pros & cons below). Sure the lenses costs a fortune and so does the camera, but with the release of the FUJIFILM GFX 50sII with the “kit lens” 35-70mm then suddenly medium format was in economical reach. I sold of all my Sony gear and ordered the new 50s with the kit lens and the 100-200mm zoom lens. Later I got a bargain on the GF 23mm f/4 lens on eBay and a €300 cash back forced me to purchase the GF 45mm f/2.8.
Now I’ve only had the Fuji a couple of months and with the pandemic and family life along with a hectic schedule at my day job there has not been many occasions for serious testing so the conclusions below is subject to change.
What I can say with certainty is that I love the colors, the dynamic range and the handling of the Fuji GFX.
The menus are sometimes confusing but when everything is set up you’ll have little need to menu-dive when shooting. The fact that you can have up to a 60min exposure without an external remote is an amazing feature for me when using filters. Oh and the image quality and ISO handling is freakin awesome!

So until I get a chance to push the Fuji a bit more in the field, this is my personal findings so far:
- Dynamic Range and image quality
- Color handling (the colors are amazing)
- Handling, buttons and dials and customization
- 4:3 sensor, It feels more natural to shoot in portrait mode
- The 35-70mm lens is no “kit lens” in regards to quality and performance
- Price (It’s cheaper but not cheap)
- Weight, larger sensor = more glass = more weight
- Shorter reach – 100mm equals 79mm in Fuji medium format.
- DOF – Use focus stacking or be very cautious when you want front to back focus
- Limited 3:rd party lens selections